Well hello there fellow human being. *folds hands and crosses left leg over in her comfortable computer chair*. How do you do? How do I do? What do we both do with what we do on this fine dandy day? well right now what I am doing is telling you the fellow reader a story or rather rant based on an article found on some google searched news:
1,200 people paid close to 20 dollars to attend a "rally" at Webster Hall, a place here in NY where people usually go to for concerts, just to support a politician named Ron Paul. Now who is Ron Paul, you may ask, well he is a Republican politician running for president but is quite criticized to be a libertarian. Now why, you may ask again, well apparently he is all old school "constitutionalism" (woah now we are getting all Dr. Seuss-y here) meaning he wants the government to lay off and give the individual the right to defend itself. Sounds nice and dandy right. But wait...wouldn't that mean that in the situation that occurs in which somebody is lying on the floor dying, they don't have health insurance, the person has the "right" to die because he or she just doesn't have health insurance? Yes sir/madam, that is exactly an example of what libertarianism is really walking towards. Its not the rights of man entirely, its the rights of man for responsibility of thyself. Eff you if you just couldn't afford a health insurance package. Eff you if you couldn't get your job to pay you enough for the rent of that measly apartment that the government could easily help you pay so you can BUY other consumer products so the economy can grow a little bit. Yeah, we should really be basing our legislatures and laws on some straight up Darwinism, that we are just all animals striving for a rat race called survival of the fittest. Of course, when it comes down to it we cannot negate the obvious scientific body of our social anatomy: we are human beings, animals with reason, so yes we shall have responsibility for our actions but is it OK to deny a person the right to accept help? Shall we deny reaching out to grab that hand because we should "perfectly" know all the time to act in accordance with the "freedom" the government expects us to carry.
I honestly cannot say I would stand against or with this man. But I do know I honestly can't stand for libertarianism. I don't agree with the concept of not supplying government programs to people who are sadly are at the end of the stick but I don't agree either to baby a country that can gain the resources to pull themselves up from the gutter from their own home. It's been quite a bit of a hub-bub among those who watch these presidential political campaigns because of course, every politician has something to say in how they "think" or "believe" is correct for this country. Often, they contradict or make fools of themselves on a podium in front of thousands of people. And in turn, they become ridiculed by tv personnel like Jon Stewart. (Which for the record, I recommend watching the episode in which Jon Stewart interviews Ron Paul.). Now what can be my point is this rant besides not agreeing with what libertarianism might represent in this country, well I am looking to incite somebody to really get to know every politician in these presidential campaigns. PLEASE KNOW WHO YOU ARE VOTING FOR TO THE VERY BEST OF YOUR ABILITY. Please DON'T be lazy and not watch these debates because next thing you know, we might just have another loop of just crazy regretted negative concequences such as the ones supplied by the Bush administration.
Til next blog post folks,
Miss Bobo
kudos for whoever made this lol |
I honestly cannot say I would stand against or with this man. But I do know I honestly can't stand for libertarianism. I don't agree with the concept of not supplying government programs to people who are sadly are at the end of the stick but I don't agree either to baby a country that can gain the resources to pull themselves up from the gutter from their own home. It's been quite a bit of a hub-bub among those who watch these presidential political campaigns because of course, every politician has something to say in how they "think" or "believe" is correct for this country. Often, they contradict or make fools of themselves on a podium in front of thousands of people. And in turn, they become ridiculed by tv personnel like Jon Stewart. (Which for the record, I recommend watching the episode in which Jon Stewart interviews Ron Paul.). Now what can be my point is this rant besides not agreeing with what libertarianism might represent in this country, well I am looking to incite somebody to really get to know every politician in these presidential campaigns. PLEASE KNOW WHO YOU ARE VOTING FOR TO THE VERY BEST OF YOUR ABILITY. Please DON'T be lazy and not watch these debates because next thing you know, we might just have another loop of just crazy regretted negative concequences such as the ones supplied by the Bush administration.
Til next blog post folks,
Miss Bobo